Tag Archives: Giverny

Last Sunday

We waited for perfect weather to take our planned trip to Giverny. It is where Clause Monet made his home and planted the gardens that he painted for the rest of his life.

At last we get the chance for going somewhere by train. Getting train tickets seems more difficult than I remember… Since we woke up a little late it was a scramble to get to Gare Saint Lazare on time, but we made it!

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Monet Gardens

In the province of Normandy, France, lies the quiet, picturesque town of Giverny. Here the impressionist painter, Monet, lavished love and care on his garden for over 40 years. The lush garden with its profusion of flowering shrubs and brilliantly coloured flowerbeds still conjures up images of Monet’s paintings of water lilies, the Japanese footbridge and the wonderfully colourful garden paintings. In all of art history there is, to my knowledge, not a more a complete record of an artist’s inspiration, than the gardens of Monet at Giverny. These gardens are an extension of his art. Some people even say that the gardens itself is Monets greatest creative legacy to the world.


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